Monthly Archives: March 2014

Anne Rice’s new book “Prince Lestat” is now on Amazon! Will this lead to a TV show?

Vampire Chronicles
As many of you have heard since last week across the BlogOSphere that our beloved Anne Rice has returned to be our Queen of the Damned once more by announcing she is returning to write not just one but TWO new Vampire Chronicles books.  The best part is today she announced you can get the new book “Prince Lestat” on

Now that Twilight is over (thank the gods) and True Blood is winding down to its last season it is time for Anne to take her rightful crown as Queen of the Damned and bring us stories once again.  There has been a time of changes and this comeback I am confident is going to end in a TV show like Game of Thrones or possibly on Netflix where they can do the Vampire Chronicles properly.  Yes with proper actors who represent our beloved Anne Rice Vampires properly.  Imagine a tall blonde, young Lestat or a 16 year old Armand?  Imagine a series of Vampire Chronicles with 10 episodes of season I called “Interview”, season 2 called “Lestat” and season 3 called “Queen”, maybe even a 4th season called “Prince”?

The possibilities are endless.

See this video where I got to confess my heart out to Anne at ComicCon 2012…