Category Archives: Interviews

Interview with a Satanic Gentleman


About a year ago I was introduced to the book The Satanic Warlock by Magister Dr. Robert Johnston, Magister of Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan by a good friend Ruth Waytz (the editor and publisher of the Satanic Warlock, who is also a Magistra in the Church of Satan).  As I am into the Gentleman’s Arts of bon vivant, adventure, class and seduction this book seemed to be a direct correlation to my interests and it did not let me down.  I had the pleasure of interviewing him about his book!


Magister Dr. Johnston and Magistra Ruth Waytz

Tell us about your journey to becoming a Satanist?

I was first introduced to Satanism in my adolescence when I picked up a copy of Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey’s book, “The Satanic Bible.” I was always attracted to the occult; the fantastic and gothic horror so here was a blasphemous and forbidden handbook that’s tenets resonated wholeheartedly with me and provided some hormonal titillation for a boy of 14.  Satanists will tell you that we embrace what most people feel but are afraid to admit, or want to appear as upstanding, moral people when sin and physical pleasure is always really on their minds. LaVey described most folks as hypocrites who wear “Good Guy” badges. Satanists on the other hand embrace the carnal and our animal core. We are born not made and know it when the see it. What sealed the deal for me was when I’d discovered that the Church of Satan was the only religion in the world that had naked girls as altars!!

What is a Satanic Warlock?

A Satanic Warlock can best be described as a magician in his own right – not a Warlock defined by traditional pagan lore as a male “witch” but rather as a self-actualized man who has a leg up by embracing the Lesser Magic of Satanism.  He holds the knowledge of the forbidden and knows how to use it for earthly, carnal gain. What’s most interesting is that although the term “Warlock” refers to our special ethnicity, a male Satanist can identify with a number of Archetypes illustrated in my book such as a Satanic Gentleman, Rake, Black Musician, Occultist and more.

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Magister Dr. Robert Johnston

What inspired you to write a companion to the Satanic Witch?

My inspiration was born out of a confluence of events that began when I met Anton LaVey in ‘90’s.  I was curious as to why a companion to his book, “The Satanic Witch” was never written? After he explained that “Witch” was necessary at that time I said I felt that the new breed of Satanic of men could use a handbook as well. He replied, “Why don’t you write it?”  That sat with me for years until 2016 when I had a conversation with now High Priest Magus Peter H. Gilmore and High Priestess Magistra Peggy Nadramia and asked their opinion on a book for Warlocks. They both said that I’m the guy to do it based on my standing as a Magister in the Church of Satan and knowledge of Satanic tenets, personal experience, and a career based in sexuality (I hold a Doctor of Human Sexuality from the Institute of Advanced Study of Human Sexuality – the preeminent sexological academic body), a former executive at Playboy Enterprises, et al.  Coincidentally and magically (!) my book, “The Satanic Warlock” was published during the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Church!

What is the difference between a Satanic Warlock and an every day guy?


Church of Satan Reverend Cardone

As I’d mentioned earlier, Warlocks walk the world with more confidence by virtue of understanding and living by Satanic principles. They live as the beasts of the field knowing that we are all really animals. To borrow a line from a Seinfeld TV episode, Warlocks have natural “kavorka” — the “lure of the animal” but in the real world and it’s palpable to those around him. He is supremely confident, which makes him attractive on many levels without being a poseur.

Tell us about the plans for

The website, is a brand new, sexy Satanic fraternal community for men that I call “The Black Guard of the Hellfire Brotherhood”  (akin to Sir Francis Dashwood’s 18th century Order of the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe, better known as the Hellfire Club). It provides information, advice and entertainment along with exclusive video. The website picks up where my book, “The Satanic Warlock” leaves off. We go more in depth on issues and topics and we add all things of interest for Satanic men including photos and video of models from my magazine, “Old Nick” – commonly referred to as “Playboy With Horns.”


What was the response to the book?

The demand for my book was outstanding, due partly because it filled the gap in Church of Satan canon (the introduction is written by Magus Peter Gilmore). The limited hardcopy edition sold out within hours and in fact spurred the idea to create the website (the softcover version is available at  Satanists began clamouring for more of the same. The book is a primer of sorts, so men wanted me to continue with advice and defining the manifesto for Satanic men into the 21st century.

Where can we find you and your projects?

I can be reached by email, at By signing up at men can also reach out directly and receive news about exciting events for the Hellfire Brotherhood like the planned “Warlock of the Year” feast and dinner that’s sure to be decadent and delicious!  There are many diabolical surprises in the works. As I always like to say, “Ahhhh, it’s good to be bad!”